Elder Abuse
If a loved one of yours has been mistreated, or you are worried about preventing mistreatment, it is important to assert your rights with an experienced elder abuse attorney on your side. Depending on the circumstances, there are options that may be available to you for stopping the treatment, receiving appropriate compensation and holding the responsible parties accountable for such abuse or misconduct.
Signs of physical abuse include:
- Bruises on the wrists, inner arms, thighs or neck; old and new bruises very close to one another; bruises that look like they could result from the use of restraints
- Burns, scratches, deep cuts and bleeding
- Dry or cracked lips, pronounced drowsiness, staring into space, and drooling can indicate improper medication or over-medication
- Restraints on wheelchairs or beds
- Unexpected or sudden death
Signs of Emotional Abuse include:
Your loved one often seems:
- Fearful and/or anxious
- Depressed
- Withdrawn and unresponsive
- Angry or extremely agitated
- Confused and disoriented
- Unwilling to talk, or in a state of denial, about his or her situation or the level of care provided
Signs of Nursing Home Neglect include:
- Excessive or rapid weight loss
- Poor personal or dental hygiene
- Uncut or dirty fingernails
- Uncombed or knotted hair
- Torn, dirty or stained clothing
- Urine or feces on bedding or clothing
- Bedsores (often on the back, buttocks, elbows and/or heels)
- A scarcity of facility staff
Our Chicago elder abuse attorneys are committed to helping individuals and their families protect their rights and prevent abuse. If a family member has been abused at a nursing home, at an assisted-living facility, or by a home caretaker, speak with us as soon as possible. We have the resources to address elder law abuse concerns and provide the personal attention you deserve during the process.